Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Titusville Bee Removal from an Owl nesting Box

Many folks keep wildlife or bird nesting boxes in their landscape and enjoy watching the activity as the young mature. Some even like to watch unintended inhabitants, including Honey Bee colonies, which often move in after the wildlife nesting activity ceases. While it may seem to be cool to host Honey Bees in your nesting box, clients often find that these feral bees cause quite a 'buzz' of a problem!
Titusville Bee Removal from Owl Nesting Box

Feral Honey Bees are increasingly Africanized in genetic composition. Yep, these are the notorious "Killer Bees" or Africanized Honey Bee (AHB) that were introduced into Florida about 10 years ago and are spreading further north. While a new colony of Killer Bees may start our nice and gentle, when the colony gets large, such as this Titusville Bee Removal pic shows, they can get mean as fire!

Bees in Wildlife nesting box
Just last month we removed a colony of bees from an owl nesting box that stung a client so badly, she had to jump in her backyard pool to seek relief. We don't recommend that, as the bees will hang around, and sting you when you come up for air! She found that out quickly and made a quick dash into her back porch, suffering over 100 stings. She is lucky to be alive.

So folks, If you need Titusville Bee Removal, or any honey bee removals, call us at 321-206-5100 or 1-800-343-5317 toll free for The Stinging Insect Experts!

Brevard Bees in owl box
Richard Martyniak, M.Sc., Entomologist, Florida Registered Beekeeper
The Buzzkillers, LLC, a Florida licensed, insured & Certified Pest Control Firm

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