Orange Park Yellow Jacket Extermination and Removal
Orange Park Yellow Jacket Nest |
Clients tried to do a self treatment of this very large Yellow Jacket nest, located in pampas grass adjacent to their neighborhood street. They were unsuccessful in eradication this YellowJacket colony, but were most successful in irritating the wasps and endangering the neighborhood, trash service, mail carriers and anyone else who may have come near the nest.
Nest Location in Pampas Grass |
One sting can prove fatal in the 2-3% of the population that is allergic. We have heard hundreds of stories of fatal or near fatal experiences with wasp and honey bee stings, so please indulge us just a bit when we stress how sting risk should be consideration number one when dealing with social stinging insects!
Bee safe, call on us to reduce your stings, your risk and your liability. Call us at 800.343.5317 or
email here for an appointment.
Richard Martyniak, M.Sc., Entomologist
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