We were called by the pastor of a church in Jacksonville to perform a live honey bee removal. We have to be very careful when performing live removals, and this bee colony happened to fit the bill: it appears healthy, Pretty easy to remove, which lessens stress to the bees, and there's a large setback, with plenty of room between people and bees. That way if they get angry, noone is at risk of getting stung...besides yours truly of course!
This pic shows one of the openings, with bees constantly working and going in and out of the entrance
This photo shows maybe half of the comb in the wall, and most of the bees have left the face of the comb plates. The right plate has a fair amount of honey, while the middle and left plate has brood (immature bees) and some pollen (Bee Bread) storage.
This is a photo of the honey I extracted from this live Jacksonville bee relocation. I'm not sure if you can tell from the pic, but it is extremely dark and has an "off" taste, probably from being in contact with comb that has been used for brood production. Not so good.
People often ask me, "What are you going to do with the honey"? We call honey this "house honey", and it's usually not good at all--at least for humans. Bees will eat it, but it tends to ferment a bit, because of the high humidity levels here in Florida. And, a hive pest, the Small Hive Beetle, makes it even worse.
This pic shows one of the openings, with bees constantly working and going in and out of the entrance

People often ask me, "What are you going to do with the honey"? We call honey this "house honey", and it's usually not good at all--at least for humans. Bees will eat it, but it tends to ferment a bit, because of the high humidity levels here in Florida. And, a hive pest, the Small Hive Beetle, makes it even worse.
This pic shows the remains from the extraction. Lots of dark comb, some brood, (larvae, pupa and eggs), and some pollen. And this was from comb that I had culled through, looking for pretty clear honey, so you can see why most people wouldn't like to eat the honey that comes from wild honey bee colonies.
Call us for Jacksonville live bee removal. We earnestly try to work with good bee candidates of live honey bee removal, and give you peace of mind, as we are fully licensed and insured, and have years of experience!
Here's a YouTube Video of this Jacksonville Live Bee Removal:
Richard Martyniak, M.Sc.,Entomologist
Sent from my iPhone
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